Visualizing Electronic Literature Collections

Below presentation is the part of my paper Visualizing Electronic Literature Collections published in “CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture” 18.1 (2016): <>

Abstract: The article discusses the development of three waves of digital literature by visualizing electronic literature collections. The visualization of electronic literature presents a timeline with tag clouds of keywords related to works classified chronologically by dates of publication. The first group of tag clouds is generated without division into three collections, while the second group of tag clouds with division into three collections. The visualization includes also all keywords of each collection separately without division in the publication dates of works. I argue that keywords turn out to be important data to demonstrate changes occurring in the history of electronic literature. Eventually, I indicate three waves of electronic literature with two transitions between them: I wave of electronic literature until 1995; transition to II wave during the years 1995-1997; II wave of electronic literature, covering the years 1998-2006; transition to the next wave in 2007-2009, and III wave of electronic literature since 2010.